Our Values

Scale with "Couragous Integrity" underneath
Lightbulb and Gear with "Be Curious" underneath
Hand and a Heart with "We Care" underneath
3 People with a lightbulb that says "Better Together"
Fire that says "Show your fire"


Values Resources

Values Toolkit

Download helpful tools such as worksheets, success cards, screensavers, email signature templates, a Teams background and PowerPoint presentation. These resources will help you better understand what our core values are, and how you and your teams can live those values in the workplace. Email communications@untsystem.edu with questions.

Need Event Banners or Handouts?

UBSC can provide standing pop-up banners that can be checked out, as well as a limited supply of free pens and accordion cards with values information.

Email ubsc@unt.edu to make a request.

Opportunities to Learn About Values

Throughout the year, our values will be prominently on display and discussed at a variety of campus activities. Be sure to join us July 19 for the President's Staff Sack Lunch.

Values in Action

Knowing our core values is step one in the Values Journey! Living and expressing those core values in the workplace is the ultimate goal. Do you know someone who is living one or more of our core values that you would like to nominate as an example for us all? Tell us more about the Values Champions at UNT! We will select an individual to highlight bi-monthly and feature them on this website and in UNT Today. Email UNTtoday@unt.edu with your nominations.

Student writing and "Be Curious" value over image
  • Question the conventional with creative solutions.

  • Engage in new experiences for learning and growth.

  • Take strategic risk and learn from failure and success.

  • Pursue collaborative opportunities

Two students and "We Care" Shared Core Value
  • Cultivate authentic connections that have a meaningful impact.

  • Share expertise and resources.

  • Recognize contributions and celebrate success.

  • Help at least one person every day.

Students putting hands in and cheering with "Better Together" over the photo
  • Develop awareness and understanding of different experiences.

  • Respect diversity of people, beliefs, thoughts, and ideas.

  • Support opportunities to remove barriers to equity and inclusion.

Student cheerleader throws the Eagle Claw and "Show Your Fire" over image
  • Go beyond the ordinary and surpass expectations.

  • Be prepared, be present, and actively participate.

  • Promote enthusiastic engagement.

  • Cultivate a positive environment and find opportunities for fun and recognition.

UNT Values Committee Members
  • Kevin Sanders (Chair)
  • Stephanie Brown (Vice-Chair)
  • Sian Brannon
  • Adam Chavez
  • Kelley Pound
  • Jaymee Haefner
  • Kate van Saaze
  • Jyoti Shah
  • Toni Sorsdal
  • Kim Williams

Get Involved!

Would you like to serve on a values team at UNT? Or share questions, concerns or recommendations? Use this feedback form.