Our Values

Values Resources
Values Toolkit
Download helpful tools such as worksheets, success cards, screensavers, email signature templates, a Teams background and PowerPoint presentation. These resources will help you better understand what our core values are, and how you and your teams can live those values in the workplace. Email communications@untsystem.edu with questions.
Need Event Banners or Handouts?
UBSC can provide standing pop-up banners that can be checked out, as well as a limited supply of free pens and accordion cards with values information.
Email ubsc@unt.edu to make a request.
Opportunities to Learn About Values
Throughout the year, our values will be prominently on display and discussed at a variety of campus activities. Be sure to attend the Values Summit on April 3 - details coming soon!
Values in Action

- Model exceptional standards and act in the best interest of our community.
- Build trust through consistent actions that are honest, transparent, and authentic.
- Provide, accept, and support open and constructive feedback.
- Hold yourself and others accountable for decisions, behaviors, actions, and results.

- Question the conventional with creative solutions.
- Engage in new experiences for learning and growth.
- Take strategic risk and learn from failure and success.
- Pursue collaborative opportunities

- Cultivate authentic connections that have a meaningful impact.
- Share expertise and resources.
- Recognize contributions and celebrate success.
- Help at least one person every day.

- Develop awareness and understanding of different experiences.
- Respect diversity of people, beliefs, thoughts, and ideas.
- Support opportunities to remove barriers to equity and inclusion.

- Go beyond the ordinary and surpass expectations.
- Be prepared, be present, and actively participate.
- Promote enthusiastic engagement.
- Cultivate a positive environment and find opportunities for fun and recognition.
- Kevin Sanders (Chair)
- Stephanie Brown (Vice-Chair)
- Sian Brannon
- Adam Chavez
- Kelley Pound
- Jaymee Haefner
- Kate van Saaze
- Jyoti Shah
- Toni Sorsdal
- Kim Williams