The Mentorship Award acknowledges staff members who have made a positive impact on
their colleagues through effective mentorship, coaching or supervision. Up to three
employees per year can be honored in this category. Recipients may receive an engraved
award and and a $1,000 taxable cash award which is presented during the Staff Appreciation
Luncheon during Staff Appreciation Month.
Read the nomination form in English or the nomination form in Spanish.
- The staff member must be in a UNT retirement-eligible staff position for at least
six consecutive months.
- The staff member must hold a position lower than the level of Associate/Assistant
Vice President.
- The staff member may not have received any formal disciplinary action or performance
improvement plan within the twelve months prior to the nomination date.
- The staff member may not have received the award within the previous three years.
- Nominee invests in colleagues and/or UNT students; helps guides their growth.
- Nominee creates a caring, creative, inclusive and motivating work environment where
colleagues feel valued and engaged.
- Nominee supports professional development for all.
- Nominee Openly accepts feedback and actively listens to their mentees.
- Nominee demonstrates fairness and equity in resolving issues and conflict.