The UNT Staff Customer Service Award acknowledges staff members who establish and
maintain positive and effective working relationships with fellow staff, faculty,
students and internal/external customers. They are dedicated to continuously improving
customer satisfaction, exceeding expectations and reacting appropriately to ensure
customer satisfaction. They also demonstrate excellence in resolving conflicts and/or
when facing challenges. Up to five employees per year can be honored in this category.
Recipients receive an engraved award and $2,000 taxable cash award.
Read the nomination form in English or the nomination form in Spanish.
- Nominee must be in a UNT retirement-eligible staff position for at least six consecutive
- Nominee must hold a position lower than the level of Associate/Assistant Vice President.
- Nominee may not have received any formal disciplinary action or performance improvement
plan within the twelve months prior to the nomination date.
- Nominee may not have received the award within the previous three years.
- Nominee goes above and beyond by displaying a positive attitude, even under the most
difficult circumstances, which impacts the internal/external customer experience.
Nominee has repeatedly been “caught in the act” of delivering exceptional service
above and beyond the call of duty.
- Nominee goes above and beyond by eliminating barriers for customers by effectively
and efficiently communicating, collaborating, and addressing customer needs.
- Nominee demonstrates creativity or resourcefulness in assisting customers above and
beyond the call of duty, while adhering to UNT policy and protocol.
- Nominee goes above and beyond in serving as a role model to students and coworkers
through positive interactions with internal and/or external customers.