The staff awards recognize nominated staff members who go above and beyond their duties to contribute to UNT's quality and excellence, to provide excellent customer service, to support student success, and to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace and campus.
The 14 awards will be given each year to deserving staff members during the annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon. All award winners will receive an engraved plaque and all except the Excellence in Leadership Award winner also receive a taxable cash award.
Learn more about the staff awards and see each award's nomination forms (available in English and Spanish).
Learn more about the nomination process.
The Outstanding Department, Soaring Eagle and Star Performer awards are recognized at the President's Staff Sack Lunch, which is held twice a year.
Students, faculty, peers, and supervisors can nominate deserving staff members. A committee of staff members from each division will review nominations and make recommendations to the president who will choose recipients. They will be honored during the annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon.
For questions about awards and nominations: