The UNT Excellence in Leadership Staff Award recognizes executive staff leaders who illustrate outstanding efforts to contribute to the success of the University through their leadership and service. One recipient may receive an engraved award which is presented during the Staff Appreciation Luncheon during Staff Appreciation Month.

Read the nomination form in English or the nomination form in Spanish.


  • Nominee must be in a UNT retirement-eligible staff position for a minimum of two consecutive years.
  • Nominee must hold an executive leadership position including Vice Provost, Associate/Assistant Vice Provost, Associate/Assistant Vice President, and Associate/Assistant Dean, or Dean who holds a staff line position.
  • Nominee may not have received any formal disciplinary action or performance improvement plan within the twelve months prior to the nomination date.
  • Nominee may not have received the award within the previous three years.


  • Nominee serves as a role model for others and demonstrates a high level of professionalism.
  • Nominee effectively promotes the University's mission, vision and strategic plans at the department, division, and university levels, and externally within the local community, state or national levels.
  • Nominee enhances the quality of the campus environment for the UNT community by providing extraordinary services, activities, campaigns or other initiatives to benefit the working and learning environments.
  • Nominee goes above and beyond routine job expectations by taking initiative and inspiring others to work collaboratively and creatively to advance the mission of the university.
  • Nominee demonstrates transformative and innovative leadership skills by empowering groups and fostering effective change to contribute to the success of the University.
  • Nominee develops and maintains positive relationships with students, faculty and staff members across campus to design, deliver, and drive engagement.