UNT is focused on ensuring every student gets the resources and service they need
to succeed. The Student Success Award acknowledges staff members who have gone above
and beyond their normal job requirements to contribute to the success of a student
or group of students at UNT. Up to five employees per year can be honored in this
category. Recipients receive an engraved award and $2,000 taxable cash award.
Read the nomination form in English or the nomination form in Spanish.
- Nominee must be in a UNT retirement-eligible staff position for at least six consecutive
- Nominee must hold a position lower than the level of Associate/Assistant Vice President.
- Nominee may not have received any formal disciplinary action or performance improvement
plan within the twelve months prior to the nomination date.
- Nominee may not have received the award within the previous three years.
- Nominee contributes to the personal, professional, or academic development of a student
or group of students above and beyond the expectation of their position.
- Nominee helps to foster a student-centered atmosphere above and beyond the expectation
of their position.
- Nominee contributes to the retention of a student or students above and beyond the
expectations of their position.
- Nominee aids the development of student skills in the areas of knowledge, communication,
or critical thinking beyond what is expected of their position.